Drum Thickener, PAM/Dosing Unit, Polymer

Sludge Dewatering Specialist

Automatic Filter Press with Auto Plate Shifting Device

XZ630, XZ800, XZ920, XZ1000, XZ1250, XZ1600, XZ2000


  • Program controlled, simple structure, automatic discharging, easily installation
  • PLC control for optional.
  • Filter Pressure: 0~1.0mpa
  • Filter Area: 8~1190m2
  • Max. Hydraulic Pressing: 28mpa
  • On site installation & commissioning available
  • One year warranty


Find the best solution to filter your water efficiently and safely. Get information about various types of water filters, especially filter press machines with automatic filtration and automatic plate shifting device, the best technology, and tips for maintaining water quality in processing plants. (Distributor Filter Press In Indonesia) Distributor Filter Press In Indonesia Automatic Filter Press with Auto Plate Shifting Device is a machine with Programable Control for the operation of automatic filter press. The first step for operation is Pressing Hydraulic, pressing hydraulic control by pressure switch for stabilizing pressure to get the best low moisture result cake. The Second step is sludge feeding until the chamber is fully, controlled by a pressure transmitter. The Third step, after the feeding done next step is membrane sequence, this step is additional but if you want to get low water content this step is very recommended. The Final step is cake discharge.The washing Sequence for this machine can clean filter cloth make long-life filter cloth parts and Maintenace quality to get the best cake. All sequences are controlled by PLC, plate pressing, pressure holding, feeding, membrane squeezing, cake washing, air blowing, cake discharging, filter cloth washing, and ready for the next step filtering cycle. Automation makes it easy for companies who want to filtrate sludge, oil, etc. This system is very helpful, especially for companies that operate 1x24 hours. This machine can reduce cake moisture content by 50-45% because the minimum hydraulic pressing is 12 bar for small machines and 18-28 bar for bigger machines.  We have many types of machines such as XZ630, XZ800, XZ920, XZ1000, XZ1250, XZ1600, XZ2000. This type refers to the chamber size of the filter press itself
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