Find the best solution to filter your water efficiently and safely. Get information about various types of water filters, especially filter press machines with fast opening membrane technology, the best technology, and tips for maintaining water quality in processing plants. Fast Opening Membrane Filter Press is a machine with Programmable Logic Control ( PLC ) to operating automatic, or semi-automatic types. The first step for operation is Pressing Hydraulic, pressing hydraulic control by pressure switch for stabilizing pressure to get the best low moisture result cake. The Second step is sludge feeding until the chamber is full, controlled by a pressure transmitter. The final step is an exceptional product because this design opens the filter plate to fasten the cake discharge time.The fast-opening filter press is design for the fast-filtering cycle demand. During the cake discharging process, the plate can be open three or five plates together, or all plates opened one-time instead of the standard piece of plate opening. It is product significantly the cake discharge time.Fast opening filter press is widely used in ore beneficiation or the other fast filtering demand industries. We support our client after installation and commissioning 24/7 hours.